Plant bulbs now ready for spring

November 30, 2020 1 min read

Plant bulbs now ready for spring

Planting bulbs is an easy task we can be doing now in anticipation for spring.

Although it feels a long way off, now is the best time to be planting spring-flowering bulbs, and it’s certainly a nice escape from the autumnal weather to be imagining the riot of colour our gardens will be in a few month’s time.

Soil is moist and not too cold just yet, so it’s time to decide what you’d like to see in spring.

Here’s some ideas about the plants you could pick to brighten up your borders.










  1. Lightly fork the soil. Make sure soil is draining well and not soggy, as this may rot the bulbs
  2. Check bulbs are firm to the touch
  3. Plant bulbs twice their height in depth, with the growing tip facing upwards
  4. Protect bulbs from rodents by using natural deterrents, such as a garlic infused water spray, or cover with mesh for a natural pest control option