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January 05, 2022 2 min read
What is on our to do lists?
Don’t forget you can replant it again in the garden and use it again next year! If not, think about chopping and shredding it to add some richness to the compost heap with your other green waste.
Why not try growing your own mistletoe. It requires a host plant, such as an apple tree. Press some mistletoe berries (fresh ones, not from your Christmas decorations) into the bark of your apple tree in a crevice, pushing the seeds in and wait.
This avoids needing to do so after birds start nesting. Also, don’t forget to keep bird baths topped up, or break any ice in them if necessary.
These have a long germination, so by planting them indoors from late January you’ll hopefully have an earlier and longer harvest period.
It’s time to throw away those empty packets or any out of date seeds and note down any you would like for the coming season.
If we’re lucky enough to have some sunny days then consider ventilating to prevent humidity.
What’s on your to do list for this month?