Create your own indoor jungle

December 01, 2021 3 min read

Create your own indoor jungle

Are you a lover of vibrant greenery? Perhaps you don’t have a garden but want to nurture some plants in your home? Or you just love plants and want to be surrounded by them, indoors and out.

Foliage and flowers can transform our living spaces and improve our wellbeing, so it’s no surprise that indoor plant popularity is blooming. July 2020 saw an increase of sales of houseplants by 81.82% compared with the same month the year before.

So, here are some ideas to help you get stuck in and develop your dream indoor jungle.

The first thing you need is plants.

If you’re lacking inspiration, then here is a list of some of the most popular house plants in the UK. Choosing some of the hardier species can help you gain confidence, as you develop green fingers. Right now bamboo plants, aloe vera, pothos and peace lillies are in the top ten house plants being bought right now.

Succulents are also a great first choice; they require very little watering and therefore don’t mind being forgotten about! They’re perfect for windowsills where they can bask in lots of light. Snake plants make very sculptural additions to your succulent collection, they have added air purifying properties and they’re tough to kill.

Snake Plant

Ferns are another rewarding addition to your indoor jungle with so many different shapes, textures and species to choose from.

Check out the following; Boston fern, bird’s nest fern, foxtail fern and the lemon button fern. What’s your fave?

And don’t be afraid to go big! Maybe add a banana tree or that 1970s favourite the Swiss cheese plant, to make a real statement.

Swiss Cheese Plant

Overwhelmed with choice? Why not have a look at one of the many subscription services. These cool companies often encourage you to describe your environment and requirements and whether or not you want something easy to maintain – perfect if you’re a beginner or just don’t want it to take much time. Our plant loving team has bought from Patch Plants, and BeardsandDaisies In fact the style magazine House Beautiful recently listed their top plant subscription services. 

Don’t want to buy new plants?

Top Tip: Ask friends and neighbours if they have any baby plants they can donate to your new hobby. Many plants grow their own pups or shoots that can be easily repotted and gifted, meaning you can grow your collection cheaply and quickly. From our experience, there is always someone happy to share some spider plant babies when their plant has a growth spurt.

How to show off your plants

You’ve invested in some new plants or put in the effort to nurture a cutting and ready to show them off. Where and how? Trailing and hanging plants are brilliant for adding interest to vertical spaces – the gap at the end of a bookcase, draped on shelves or in a stairwell. Or create a hanging terrarium. In true 70’s style the macrame plant hanger is now back in vogue, so why not support a local macrame crafter and show off those trendy trailers. Some of our favourites include pothos, philodendron and string of hearts.

Pothos Plant

Think about injecting your style into your indoor garden with some carefully chosen plant pots. And plant placement. By grouping together different sizes, colours and leaf textures you can easily create depth and intrigue. We love some of the urban concrete planters like the Charlie on Hortology and their stunning Lava Cube relic planter too. For a huge selection of colours and tech – yes, self watering pots are available – have a look at the aptly named Get Potted. For brilliantly stylish presents then have a look at the range at Pavilion Broadway.

Finally, there’s plant care.

Environment is everything when choosing your plants. You need to think about lighting and temperature, and how this might change throughout the year. You also need to consider their suitability if you have pets and children – some plants can be toxic and may be irresistible to inquisitive paws or hands. And then you just need to keep your plants flourishing for that luscious jungle look. The Magic Molecule Co. 04 Houseplants Biostimulant is one way to help your houseplants be happy and healthy. How?

  • It helps your plants develop quickly and stay healthy
  • Encourages root development and new growth
  • Aids propagation and shoot development, helping you grow your plant collection quickly and cheaply

Click here to find out more reasons why 04 House Plants gets you ready to grow and transform your home into a healthy, green space.

Don’t forget to tag us in your amazing photos on social media platforms and follow us of lots of special giveaways.

House Plants

Price £13.79